Why Pakistani ex-cricketer Abdul Razzaq apologized to Aishwarya

Former Pakistan all-rounder Abdul Razzaq has publicly apologized to Aishwarya Rai for mentioning her name during a TV show. In a video clip, Abdul Razzaq said: “I had a slip of tongue and mistakenly took Aishwarya Rai’s name. I apologise to her personally. I did not intend to hurt anyone’s sentiment. I did not intend to take her name as example.”
Shahid Afridi on a TV show said that it was not a proper comment and “I will message Razzaq to apologize. I am sure he will.”
Former Pakistani fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar also condemned Razzaq’s comments. “I highly condemn the inappropriate joke/comparison made by Razzaq. No woman should be disrespected like this People seated beside him should have raised their voice right away rather than laughing & clapping,” he said in a post on X.
Shoaib Akhtar also said that after heard Abdul Razzaq’s comments he called up Shahid Afridi, who was also present at the event where Razzaq made the reference to Aishwarya Rai. “He (Shahid Afridi) called and said that he genuinely did not understand what was said otherwise he would have condemned it there and then. He has condemned it on TV as well and in clear words with me on the phone,” Shoaib Akhtar said in another post.
Razzaq was speaking an event discussing Pakistan’s performance in the World Cup and Pakistan Cricket Board, where he made the reference to Aishwarya Rai.
“When I was playing, I was aware of my captain Younis Khan’s good intentions. That gave me confidence…and I was able to perform well for Pakistani cricket,” he said during the press conference.
Referring to PCB, he said: “We don’t really intend to improve and enhance the players, in my opinion. That will never happen if you believe that I will marry Aishwarya (Rai) to have a good-natured and moral child. Therefore, you must first amend your intentions.”
Many netizens not only slammed Abdul Razzaq for his comments but also other former cricketers Shahid Afridi and Umar Gul for not objecting to his remarks.
Source: The Economic Times